Seriously one of the best exhibitions I've caught all year. No pics (they weren't allowed) but the catalogue contains the lot and is only a score. Restores your belief in the power of good design.
Whilst I was there I also saw the Steve McQueen exhibit. Proper moving piece called Queen & Country - he's made postage stamps out of the faces of soldiers who have died in Iraq. The idea is to relate what is happening over there to the everyday here. All the families of those included gave their permission to the artist and it's a truly moving exhibit whatever your politics.
Real "something in my eye" material:
Finally I had a (solemn) walk through the Holocaust exhibition. Again, powerful stuff and an excellently curated exhibition treading the line between interactivity and documentation perfectly.
The showpiece for me was the scale model of Auschwitz with added audio testimony from real life detainees.