Monday, 7 January 2008

New Year Hot Picks

A few nice pieces to kick off the new year...

Porter x Beams is first up - nice wallets (not that I have anything to put in them as it's January). Match with your Visvims and feater/bird skull head dress for max effect:

I know I've talked about the Rocking Jelly Bean Erostika tee in the fanzine but it's out again and there's a hoodie version too. There's also a vinyl toy to coincide with the release but why a grown ass man would want to have that I don't know:

I have a feeling Gourmet TRAINERS (never the S word) will be big this year. Taking major reference from the classic AJ back cat they manage to update in a classy way and put a new spin on things - watch out for them:

Not big or clever, but I like this new (?) colour of the Air Trainer. Out now in the states:

Stussy hit the new year hard with a Year of the Rat themed selection. Nice old school freshness, and it's called Stussy Rat Patrol which is only ever gonna be good:

Finally, seeing as it's getting proper cold and I haven't mentioned Supreme's their Fur Trooper hat. Classical:

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